Novena for Life

Our Knights of Columbus Council 5899 is promoting A Novena for Life from March 15th through March 25th to build up a culture of life in our parish, our homes, and the wider community. This novena leads us prayerfully to March 25, the Solemnity of the Annunciation and also the Knights of Columbus Day of the Unborn. Our Catholic Church and the Knights of Columbus are committed to defending the right to life of every human being, from the moment of conception to natural death. This novena is a sustained effort of prayer for nine days that is designed to accommodate everyone’s schedule. Beginning Saturday, March 15th, all are invited to pray a rosary or a prayer of your choice for 9 days, with the intention of rebuilding a culture of life in our nation. The Knights would like to encourage all parishioners, all faith and service groups within our parish, and all people of good will in our community to join us as we entreat all the Powers of Heaven to help us save lives!