The West Deanery is a 10 Parish subdivision of the Columbus Diocese. It is headed by one of the priests of the parishes appointed by the Bishop, called a Dean. The current Dean is Fr. Nic Ventura, Pastor of Saint Cecilia Church. It is made up of one or more representatives of the parishes. Meetings are open. We keep the Bishop informed of what is going on in the parishes, and the Bishop keeps us informed on the Diocesan level and also asks for help. The Deanery chairpersons sit on the Diocesan Pastoral Council. There are 12 Deaneries in the Diocese. The parishes of the West Deanery are: Holy Family, St. Aloysius, St. Agnes, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Stephen, St. Cecilia, Sts. Simon and Jude, St. Patrick, London, St. Joseph, Plain City and Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Grove City.