Funeral Mass Planning

St. Cecilia provides Funeral Masses for parishioners as well as non-parishioners ensuring a beautiful and respectful Mass is celebrated to give glory to God for the life of the deceased.

The Funeral Mass Planning coordinator is Michael Case.  Michael can be reached at  Michael will be happy to meet with anyone who wishes to pre-plan their funeral Mass and assist them in filling out a Funeral Mass Planning Form so loved ones are not left with these decisions.

If a funeral Mass is desired to be celebrated at St. Cecilia, the first step is to call the church office (614-878-5353) and notify the staff.  This notice will be passed on to Fr. Buffer and Michael Case; one of whom will contact the family representative as soon as possible.

Generally a meeting will be arranged as soon as possible so as to plan the funeral Mass.  At this meeting all aspects of the Mass will be discussed including:

  1. Date of the funeral Mass
  2. Visitation and funeral home handling arrangements
  3. Readings and music selections
  4. Family participation in the Mass
  5. Whether or not a luncheon is requested

All needed Ministers of Hospitality, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Choir members and the Bereavement Luncheon Group will be contacted and arranged as a result of this meeting.


Helpful Links:

St. Cecilia Funeral Mass Planning Form

USCCB Funeral Mass Readings

Saint Cecilia Funeral Music List