Respect Life Group

Our Respect Life Group works to teach respect for all human life from conception to natural death. To serve this goal, we provide resources on pro-life topics in support of the Church’s mission to proclaim that every human life is a precious gift from God. We pursue this through prayer and worship, information and education, peaceful and prayerful witness, support of pro-life public policy, and pastoral care.

Goals of this group include:

  • Unity with the Bishop’s call to prayer, fasting and almsgiving for the protection of life from the moments of conception to natural death
  • Embracing “radical solidarity” with women facing difficult or challenging pregnancies by connecting them with local pregnancy support, parenting, and post-abortion healing
  • Participation in 40 Days for Life efforts in our Diocese, including peaceful prayer at the Planned Parenthood surgical clinic on E. Main St., Columbus and Statehouse marches and events
  • Provide information and educational resources to our parish family, so that every parishioner knows where a mother in need can find help
  • Partnering to support parish efforts in material drives to support moms in need
  • Provide information and resources on faithful end-of-life concerns

Helpful Resources for Unplanned Pregnancy and Parenting:

Help for Women Facing Difficult or Challenging Pregnancies

Reverse the Abortion Pill

Post Abortion Healing

Parenting Support or

Helpful Resources for End-of-Life Concerns:

Faithful at the End of Life

Why Can't Catholics Scatter their Ashes?

Questions about Cremation & Burial

Pray for Life:

Pro-Life Prayer | USCCB

Prayer for Radical Solidarity


Catholics for Life is in need of several partners to join people who are praying outside the Columbus abortion facilities by themselves. They would like to make sure there are at least two Catholics praying the Rosary and providing help every hour the two abortion facilities in Central Ohio are open.  The most urgent need for help is on Wednesdays at Planned Parenthood at 3255 E. Main St. and at Your Choice Healthcare at 6721 Karl Rd. from 11 am - 1 pm and 1 pm - 3 pm.

Ten babies are aborted in our city every day on average.  When Christians are present and praying, 1 out of every 50 mothers cancel their appointment!  We have seen 121 mothers leave and babies be rescued! The more people present and praying, the more graces are merited for souls and for babies.

For more information on how you can help, contact Gabriel Vance at or Judy Jasper at